Mandalorian Protectors (13)Full unit name: Mandalorian Protectors
Last updated: 19.07.2024 22:11:31
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Basic info
First appearance: Marvel Star Wars 68 : The Search Begins
Member of: Mandalorian
The Mandalorian Protectors were an organization of Mandalorian
supercommandos founded during the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars by the ARC trooper turned "Mandalore the Resurrector," Spar. Created in the image of the True Mandalorians of years past, the Mandalorian Protectors were formed from two hundred members of the Mandalorian police, with an additional dozen troops comprised of former members of the Death Watch splinter group, and a thousand BL-series Battle Legionnaire droids. Entering the Clone Wars on the side of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Mandalorian Protectors fought against the Galactic Republic as a hard-hitting shock force, gaining a reputation among Confederacy commanders as an in-demand unit capable of defeating foes in a single day that their legions of battle droids could not conquer in a month. However, due to the machinations of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious
Major Characters
, who secretly manipulated both sides of the war for his own gain, the Mandalorian Protectors were led into a trap on the planet Norval II, where their army of Battle Legionnaire droids were destroyed by Republic clone troopers, and presumably all but three soldiers - Fenn Shysa, Tobbi Dala
Dala, Tobbi
Minor Characters
, and the broken Mand'alor Spar - were killed. When the Galactic Empire claimed control of their homeworld, the remaining Protectors established a base on the third moon of Concord Dawn in the Concord Dawn system. Under the leadership of Fenn Rau
Fenn Rau
Supporting Characters
, the Protectors formed an alliance with the Empire. After Rau was captured by the rebels Kanan Jarrus
Kanan Jarrus
Major Characters
and Sabine Wren
Sabine Wren
Major Characters
, who fought with honor, the Protectors' sympathies were forced to change. In 2 BBY, the Protectors were again almost completely wiped out by the Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon and his commandos in an attempt to lure Rau out of hiding.


See also
Related organizations
Skull Squadron
Related units, characters and other technologies
Fenn Rau
Dala, Tobbi
Joy Rekkoff
Complete list

Full unit name: Mandalorian Protectors Last updated: 19.07.2024 22:11:31